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Which tools your remote team is using?

Remote teams have been adding hundreds of tools to their profiles on RemoteHub. Iโ€™ve now rebuilt the tools page to learn more about how exactly these companies are using the tools in their everyday life.

A few months ago I wanted to know which tools remote teams on RemoteHub are using. So I built a simple tools section where managers can add their tools.

And 100 remote company managers listed almost 400 tools theyโ€™re using in their everyday work as distributed teams.

Even "famous" remote companies like GitLab, Doist and many others added their tools.

In my discussions with these managers I learned that itโ€™s not very important which exact tools we use when working remotely, but rather how weโ€™re using them in our workflow.

I think it can be helpful to see which tools remote team is using for people looking to join their team. For example, a developer who likes GitLab (or Jira, I mean some people may theoretically like Jira) is happy to see that the team of interest has integrated the tool into their workflow.

And also it can be a inspirational for other companies, especially those who are just starting to work remotely, to maybe use the same tools as teams who haveโ€™ve been testing a lot of tools to come up with the right flow for their team.

New tools section

Iโ€™ve now rebuilt the tools section that remote teams can use when editing their profile. Old was a bit clunky... 

Clicking on the search field, I suggest a TOP 5 most used remote work tools by companies on RemoteHub.

And when you start typing in the tool name, you can pick it from the list.

If this tool doesnโ€™t exist on RemoteHub yet, I let you add it. Iโ€™ll soon review your tool and add some additional info, like a logo and short description to it.

How remote teams are using these tools?

Same tools are been used for different purposes, and in many different ways. Teams can now add a short description about how theyโ€™ve integrated these tools in their everyday workflow.

How to find the best remote work tools

Iโ€™ve made a separate page on RemoteHub where you can see the list of all remote work tools that companies have added to their profiles. Iโ€™ve also organized them into categories like communication, project management, video meetings and more.

Browse around and see which tools remote companies are using. As I gather info from managers about how theyโ€™re exactly using these tools, Iโ€™ll also update the tools page in the future.

If youโ€™re a remote company with a profile, just log in and go to Edit company โ†’ Tools to add and describe your tools. If you donโ€™t have a company account, just create a free profile here.

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